Sunday, February 16, 2014


This will be yet another attempt at me trying to run a blog. The most recent attempt was Tumblr and that quickly devolved into mindless reblogging of anything that grabbed my attention. But Tumblr isn't really a good platform for personal blogging anyways. Hopefully I can actually stick to this one and update it semi-regularly. I looked back on some posts from other blogs I had made and I found myself quite happy I had made them. They reminded me of a lot of little things I had forgotten. Sometimes it's just nice to have memories down in pictures or writing. That's not all this will be for, though. I want to give myself more of a purpose to blog, rather than simply rambling on about whatever boring event is happening in my life or my current annoyances.

I'm not going to narrow it down to one focus, but I have a few in mind that I'm excited to get into. I've been drawing more recently, so it would be nice to have a place to post it and keep it in one place. My deviantART account has long since been forgotten. I went through like...a 2 or 3 year period where I didn't draw much. Having to draw and make art for my homework once I went to a 4 year college kind of ruined my enthusiasm for doing it for fun. Not to mention that, on the rare occasion that I wanted to, I usually had other things that I should have been doing and so guilt further hampered that. I'm also taking one class this semester - my final one - so I should, in theory, have more time to do my design art. And since it's a portfolio class, I have much more freedom and kind of get to decide my own projects, so that should help me actually want to do it.

Makeup is another thing I want to try to talk about. I've gotten more into it recently (ever since my discovery of Bare Minerals and Dior mascara, it's been a slippery slope). I draw inspiration for this from my lovely friend Michelle (, who is basically the reason I decided to attempt another blog in the first place. She's adorable, and her posts always make me smile, with her range of subjects from fashion, to makeup, to butterbeer and video games.

And as for why I decided to start blogging tonight (the original plan had been to start at the beginning of the year, but that has clearly failed)...I discovered a wonderful thing called Ipsy. Well, I'd discovered it a few months ago, but I had been on a waiting list, so this is the first month I received my package. I'm going to make a separate post to explain more and show what I got, along with my other recent makeup purchases. Hopefully I will eventually (sooner rather than later), also get around to using them and posting my results. Considering I got them yesterday, when I've had two double shift days this weekend, I haven't gotten the chance to wear them yet. I'm excited.

So enough with the rambling. It's a start :p


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