Saturday, June 28, 2014

First Aid Shot Therapy Review

Before I received this free from Influenster, I had never heard of it. Basically, it is kind of like an energy shot, but for pain/discomfort instead. I received the pain one, so I can't speak for the upset stomach one, but I would be curious to try it out.
Obviously, one of the main benefits of this is that liquid will get into your system much faster than pills would, seeing as how it doesn't have to dissolve first before being absorbed. So if you're in a lot of pain and don't have much time to wait, or don't want to, this is great.
I took mine after doing two double shifts at work, which start at 6 am. No matter how much sleep I get the night before, I still feel sluggish and sore and exhausted the next morning when I have to get up that early. By the middle of my first shift on the second day, my back was absolutely killing me. I was almost crying at work and considered asking my boss if I could leave early. When my shift did end and I got a break to go home during, I decided that now would be a good time to try out my First Aid Shot. I laid down for a little while after that, and by the time I had to get up again and go to work, the pain in my back was gone. My feet still hurt, but it wasn't crippling pain like my back was, and I'm not sure there is too much I can do about tired feet after standing and walking around all day.
My friend tends to have horrible cramps during a certain time of the month, and she said that this was a lifesaver for her. She loved it and it actually made the cramps go away, unlike the ibuprofen and such that she usually took. I haven't had a chance to try this out for myself.
The downsides? I didn't like the taste very much. But I'm pretty pathetic when it comes to drinking things I don't like, whether it's alcoholic drinks or energy shots, so it probably wouldn't be as much of a bother to people. I just had to take bites of a cracker between sips. It seemed like there was a lot of liquid. I think it was vaguely berry flavored? I'm not sure, but it wasn't a bad flavor. Probably the biggest downside is the price. My friend says they're about $8 for one shot? That would be very expensive to try to stock up on and use on a regular basis. I think keeping a few on hand for that time of the month or times when you have unusually awful pain would be the best idea, otherwise it would be hard for me to afford this.
All in all, it's a good product and gives you relief from multiple symptoms very fast. Plus, it's great if you have trouble taking pills.

@firstaidshottherapy, #FASTrelief, #contest, @influenster

1 comment :

  1. Curiosity question, what is in that stuff? Is it actual medicine, or is it vitamins and stuff?
