Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine's Day

Well, here's my necessary Valentine's Day post, even if it's a few days late. I'm not actually dating anyone, but I guess I'm talking to someone, so I hung out with him on Friday. I knew I was going to get chocolate (he buys me chocolate anyways), but he surprised me with a bouquet of those colorful daisies, which I love. We got Panera for lunch, then went to work together, then attempted to go to Olive Garden for dinner...but there was a 45 minute wait. So we went to Applebees instead, which was as delicious as usual. Especially with my all-time favorite drink: their strawberry daiquiris. So, so good.

Crappy picture of my flowers when I first got them. Also, wearing a new shirt I got at Target for like $6. Score. And did my hair all fun. It looks nice to do it like this, and has the added bonus of making it curly if I do it while it's wet. You put a stretchy headband over your hair and then tuck your hair up over and under it, kind of wrapping it around the headband. It's pretty easy and I always get a lot of compliments on it.

When I went to work, my boss told me I had something waiting for me in the office, and turns out it was a pretty little rose bouquet. I had no idea who it was from, but apparently it was from my aunt. She does nice random things like that, so it was a wonderful little surprise. Plus, everyone was jealous. Haha. And here's my yummy Lindt chocolate truffles :)


  1. 45 minute wait? Ouch. Suddenly very glad I ate at the boyfriend's house on Valentine's Day!
    Olive Garden sounds delicious though. So does Applebees. I haven't had either in such a long time. It's always Carlos O Kelly's when I go out to eat!

    I love your hair like that! You say it's easy, but I think I would fail horribly if I gave it a try. I'll have to get a headband and give it a go soon though. :)
    Also, yay for getting a shirt so cheap! Target is fantastic. :)

    And your aunt seems super awesome. I want to be a cool aunt like that, that sends cute/sweet things to my niece/nephew. It would help if I actually had a sibling that could give me a niece/nephew though. Hm.

    Happy (late) Valentine's Day, Jenna!

    The Girly Gamer

    1. When I saw people doing their hair like that, I never thought I could do it. I decided to just to see if i could get it curled while it dried, and I felt like I was doing an awful job of it as I was putting it up. I thought it would look stupid cuz it felt like I was just messing it up. But when I looked in the mirror, it actually looked pretty good. So you should give it a try :) even if you feel like you're failing, it might look good. It's pretty hard to make it look bad I think
      And yeah...the wait times weren't fun, but the food was delicious. I always like to go to Applebees. I'm obsessed with their pretzels and cheese dip.
      My aunt and uncle are awesome, they're like the grandparents on my dad's side. And my sister wants kids, so I can be the cool aunt that buys them stuff and that they love without actually having to raise them XP it's a good plan I think.
      Glad you had a good v-day too :)
